Worship With Us

  • We think of worship as a conversation with God. We bring our troubles to Him and He tells us what He has done for us as well as what He will continue to do for us. We use a variety of formats with music both new and old to give people from every generation ways to talk and listen to the Lord. A normal service will last about one hour.

  • It is not important what you wear. We are glad to welcome you and to share the great things God has done for you, no matter what you wear.

  • The Scriptures teach that the celebration of the Lord’s Supper connects us intimately with Christ, and with one another, as Christians who are united around a common confession of faith. In light of our Lord’s clear warning concerning his Holy Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:27-29, out of concern for your spiritual wellbeing, we ask you take the opportunity to join us in studying what our God has to say concerning this Holy Supper prior to communing with us. We look forward to studying God's Word with you!

    Communion is offered the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. We offer both individual cups and the common cup in all Communion services.

  • We have handicapped and visitor parking spaces closest to the door on the west side of church.

  • Our nursery is located in the narthex of the church on the west side. There is plenty of space with rocking chairs, a changing table, books, and toys for the children. We have a closed circuit TV system that displays the worship service so that you will not miss it. Anyone is welcome to use this room if their children become restless.

  • We offer large print editions of our service program. Everything one needs to participate in the worship service is in these binders.

    For those who are hard of hearing, we offer hearing devices. Talk to one of our friendly ushers for assistance.

All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name.
— Psalm 86:9 NIV